
Reconstructive urology

‎ 16,May 2023
Keywords : route reconstructive bladder implant

Reconstructive urology surgery is used to restore urinary, sexual, and reproductive functions in patients with congenital conditions or urethral strictures. It is a highly specialized field of male urology. It also restores the functions of the genitourinary system.

Reconstructive urology procedures include - pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation, hypospadias repair, bladder exstrophy repair, bladder augmentation, bladder neck repair, circumcision, and orchiectomy.

  • Pyeloplasty:
    It is the surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis is part of the kidney. Pyeloplasty is performed to drain and decompress the kidneys. Almost all cases are to mask ureteropelvic junction obstruction or UPJ obstruction. Only the tissue where the ureter is obstructed is cut out, and the original ureter is repositioned and attached again to the healthy renal pelvis tissue above.

  • Ureteral re-implantation: 
    Ureteral reimplantation is generally used to treat reflux. This surgery aims to repair the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. Ureteral reimplantation repositions the tubes at the point where they join the bladder to prevent urine from backing up into the kidneys.

  • Bladder inversion repair : 
    Bladder inversion surgery is performed to correct a congenital defect in the bladder that grows outside the abdominal wall. Surgeons close off the bladder and abdomen and repair the urethra and external genitalia. There are two basic ways to do this. Your reform is hopeful and modern in stages. The modern stage includes three processes. Once within 72 hours after birth, at 6 to 12 months of age and again at 4 to 5 years of age. The first closes the bladder and abdomen, and the second fixes the urethra and genital

  • Bladder enlargement
    Bladder augmentation is a surgical way to avoid urine leakage or high pressure by enlarging the bladder so that it can store more urine. Part of the intestine or stomach is used to enlarge the bladder.

  • Bladder neck repair:
    Adequate circumferential muscle support is required after urethral reconstruction. Facial, muscular, or prosthetic slings are used to support the bladder.